Friday, April 30, 2021 Quote of the week:" I don't think anyone is boring, actually, if you ask the right questions and look at them the right way." --Mike Bartlett, English playwright and screenwriter Dear Ocean Shore Families, I don't know how it happened, but tomorrow is May 1st. I wish the weather would cooperate, but this is Pacifica. Cold and foggy is a way of life. I'm a little rushed today because I spent two hours in classrooms being interviewed by students. Usually by May, a principal would know many of the students' names and would have had hundreds of short conversations with the kids. When I taught middle school, I would always start the year by letting the kids interview me. They could ask any question, although I reserved the right to not answer. This week, I decided to set up half hour ''interview" slots, so that the kids could get to know me better and so I could start to get to know them. There is nothing better than hearing their questions. They range from questions about how many pets I have, to which Marvel movie I like best, to whether or not I'm single. (Six--3 cats, an angelfish, a snake and a bearded dragon; a tie between Thor: Ragnarok and Doctor Strange; and depends who's asking. If it's Tom Hiddleston or Benedict Cumberbatch, I'm single!) That was the answer I gave to Sophie's 7th graders, but then explained that I was kidding. I like to keep the middle school kids on their toes. Jennifer's 1st graders were more interested about the details concerning my pets, and I promised to send Jennifer pictures of all of them so that the kids could see what they look like. These are the moments that make education so worthwhile, and I'm looking forward to getting to know all of your children better! Take care, Jeanne Shout out of the week: Gina Smith, Jenny Abellana, Jessica Ellison and all of the parents doing the hard work of trying to fundraise and build community during a pandemic. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Please consider attending the free dance party tonight on Zoom, or the movie at Linda Mar tomorrow night. Details are below. School Business Link to the 2021-22 Return to OSS form: Return to OSS 2021-22 Please fill this out by 5/6/21 so that we can plan staffing for next year. Link to the Daily Health Screening Form: OSS Daily Health Screening Back to School Dance Party: - Don't forget! The OSS Back to School Dance Party is TONIGHT at 6:30PM. You can still sign up and receive the zoom link, just click here! Registration is FREE, so come join the fun! Visit the website for additional information. Questions? email Flier is also attached. Movie Night at Linda Mar Shopping Center: THIS SATURDAY May 1, 7:00 pm. Our 7th grade class parents are collaborating with Beach Break Entertainment in order to offer a "drive-in" style movie experience this Saturday to fundraise for next year's Yosemite trip and graduation ceremony. Please see the attached flier for more information. CSEA Pizza Night at Luigi's: May 3rd, all day. If you don't have time to make dinner, considering ordering from Luigi's to support our office staff, custodians, library techs, paraprofessionals and kitchen staff. Please see the attached flier. Oceans 411: This year’s theme is Marine Mammals and our shirt design reflects that theme and also pays homage to our dear Patty. Those of you that knew Patty knew that she always, always wore a whale tail charm on a chain. The back of the shirt this year has a whale tail for Patty because she consistently had everyone’s back. Please note: ORDERS MUST BE IN BY NOON ON MAY 7. HERE is the link to order. Any questions? Email Jennifer Mitchell at [email protected] CAASPP testing: Please see the attached letters for full year distance learning families and families that have students back at school. More information to follow. 7th/8th grade fundraiser: School is back and it is time to start Flocking!! Want to order a Flock of Pink Flamingos to gather upon a friend’s property to roost? Pay us to place these pink darlings in someone’s yard! Anyone in Pacifica can be Flocked and anyone can order a Flocking. Please email [email protected] for more information. Order form : Other events: Please see the attached fliers for: ThinkBridge Summer Program, SFSU reading skills program, Angst film event, Manifest youth conference.
Friday, April 23, 2021 "Those that contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts." --Rachel Carson, environmentalist. "The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful." -- e.e. cummings, poet Dear Ocean Shore Families, In honor of Earth Day and Poetry Month, I have two quotes this week. We know how important it is to care for the earth and to support practices and policies that promote clean energy, encourage recycling and reuse, and prevent pollution. It can be overwhelming to think about the state of our planet, and frightening to contemplate climate change. While we have to address these serious issues, it is also important to celebrate the beauty and the pure joy that nature can bring us. Children usually don't need to be reminded of this. Anyone who has watched a 4-year-old (or a 14-year-old) stomp in puddles or bend down to pick a dandelion, knows that kids are often more in tune with the beauty and the fun that nature provides than adults are. You don't need to travel to Yosemite or the Grand Canyon to experience awe, you can do it in your own neighborhood as you observe a hummingbird in flight or a perfect Calla Lily. Speaking of joy, I can't tell you how thrilling it was to see children in the building this week. It felt like a real school again. Teachers are working harder than ever, zooming with students at home and creating engaging activities for the kids they are seeing "IRL". Everyone has been great about wearing masks and keeping their distance, even though I know the teachers would hug each and every one of them if they could. Take care, celebrate nature, and thank you for the gift of your children! Jeanne Shout out of the week: Our wonderful PTO (and our 2nd and 3rd grade parents in particular) provided pupusas for our whole staff on Thursday. They were delicious! I think I can speak for all of our staff when I say that the support of our parent community is one of the things that has kept us going this year. School Business Rainy day plan for morning drop-off (just in case): Students will line up outside and enter through the main entrance by the front office. Staff will monitor students in the hallways to ensure that they keep their distance. Students will enter classes through the inside classroom doors. Early birds, students arriving more than 15 minutes before class starts, will wait in the library. Link to the Daily Health Screening Form: Back to School Dance Party: - April 30, 6:30pm, DJ, Music, Dancing, Games, Fun. Please see the flier for more details! Hybrid Instructional Calendar - *May 28th is an A day for 4-8th grade Here is the PSD Hybrid Learning Calendar. One change to the calendar since the start day was announced. May 28th will be an in-person instructional day for the B group in grades TK-3rd grade and the A group in grades 4-8th grade. Since 4-8th grade began in-person instruction with the B group, there were 3 more in-person instructional days. By taking one of those days and changing it to an A group instructional day, there is only one more in-person instructional day for the B group.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Quote: "And the days went by like paper in the wind/Everything changed, then changed again." --Tom Petty Dear Ocean Shore Families, Here we go! I'm so excited to be welcoming students back to school. Things continue to change, and we got word today that we no longer have to take student temperatures, but we DO have to make sure that health questionnaires have been filled out. The questionnaires will be changed to reflect new guidelines, and it will be extremely important that parents fill them out each morning before students come to school. Please come to Back to School Night tomorrow (4/15) at 6:00 pm. If you can't attend, check in with your child's teacher(s) to get the information that was covered. Link: Meeting ID: 845 9740 3697 Passcode: 5PoEd3wg. General Information will also be updated on our Return to School PSD Webpage: Even though kids are excited to come back, transitions can be challenging. Teachers will be working with students to help them adjust. This article provides some suggestions for how parents can help with the transition back to school. Take a deep breath. The next few weeks will be hectic, and I'm sure more change is to come. I will keep you posted as I learn more. Take care, Jeanne School Business: Return to School 2.0: We will have an information night for parents tomorrow, Thursday, April 15th from 6:00 pm-7:15 pm. I'll present for 20-30 minutes, send you off to meet with the teachers, and then host a quick question and answer session from 7:00-7:15. Link: Back to School 2.0 Principal's Overview Meeting ID: 845 9740 3697 Passcode: 5PoEd3wg This document provides the teachers' Zoom links. I'll also share this in the chat during my portion of the meeting. Back to School 2.0-teacher links This Sunday! Come help us clean-up and beautify the school campus for the reopening and student return. EAT is organizing a campus and garden workday this Sunday, April 18, 10-1pm. Come for just part of that time or stay the whole time. Still only adults. Come empty handed or bring your broom, weeder, and/or clippers. If you have a potted plant you want to donate to spruce up the campus wings, bring that too. Plenty of weeding, garbage pick-up, and projects to work on. Donations like potting soil are also welcome! Ocean Shore Start Dates April 19 - an A day First day for K, 2nd April 22 - a B day First day for 1st, 3rd, 5th, 1/2 of 6th, 7th April 26- an A day First day for 4th, 1/2 of 6th, 8th ( K and 2 will also attend) Cohort (Group) A: In person on Monday, Tuesday: Kindergarten, 2nd, 4th, 1/2 of 6th **, 8th Cohort (Group) B: In person on Thursday, Friday: 1st, 3rd, 5th, 1/2 of 6th **, 7th ** The cohorts (groups) for sixth grade have been sent to families. Please reach out to Katy Stearns @ [email protected] if you have any questions. Arrival and Dismissal Times Kindergarten: 9:00 am-12:00 pm 1-3: 8:50 am -1:00 pm 4-5: 8:40 am -1:00 pm 6-8 8:30am -12:50 pm Friday April 2, 2021 Quote of the week: “April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.” -- William Shakespeare Dear Ocean Shore Families, Spring has sprung! I hope everyone got to enjoy the weather yesterday. Today it seems like we are back to chilly Pacifica fog. The entire staff worked incredibly hard this week to get the school ready for hybrid learning. Desks are 6 feet apart, directional arrows are in the hallways, and signs reflecting the Four Pillars (health/hygiene, face coverings, social distancing, limited gatherings) are everywhere. We have outdoor spaces set up for eating and learning and blue dolphins appropriately spaced to show students where to line up. Pacifica School District has put together a website that gives detailed information about returning to school along with links to county updates, travel guidelines and Special Education information. There is also a page devoted to each school with information specific to the sites. The underlined headings are live links. Natalie and I are working on a video/slide presentation that presents additional information and will be linked to the Return to School Webpage soon. Pacifica School District Return to School I hope everyone has a restful and fun spring break! Be safe and take care, Jeanne School & Community Business: Spring Break: Spring break is next week, April 5th-9th. School resumes, still in distance learning, on April 12th. Return to School 2.0: We will have an information night for parents on Thursday, April 15th from 6:00 pm -7:15 pm. I'll present for 20-30 minutes, send you off to meet with the teachers, and then host a quick question and answer session from 7:00-7:15. Ocean Shore will be pushing information out to parents much sooner than April 15th through my weekly letter, teacher newsletters and ombuds. However, April 15th will be a time to give the complete overview and have teachers give specific information about what Hybrid learning will look like in their classrooms. BACK TO SCHOOL BEAUTIFICATION!--Garden Workday Sun. April 18, 10am-1 pm: Help pretty up the garden and campus with trimming, weeding, and other projects. Adults only - social distance and mask wearing, of course. EAT MEETING Mon 4/12, 6:30 pm Join the little EAT team in discussing future projects and plans for the school's outdoor world. The outside school areas should be a welcome spot for returning students this spring. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 848 1639 6584 Passcode: 1MwrRe-we FROM THE OFFICE . . . Please notify the office 650-738-6650 whenever your child will be absent from school even if you already notified the teacher. Tween Yoga: Please see attached for information about a Tween Yoga Class offered by Ocean Shore parent, Marissa George. Tween Yoga Class Attached fliers: Summer Reading Program; I Know Joe Surf Camp scholarship (deadline says March 31st, but it's been extended); School Lunch Information.
Jeanne BellingerPrincipal of Ocean Shore. Check back here for weekly updates and messages from the principal. Archives
June 2022
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Ocean Shore School
411 Oceana Blvd Pacifica, CA 94044 Main office: 650-738-6650 |
For enrollment questions, please contact our front office. Our PTO does not have control over cumulative records.
School secretary - Patricia Buddington |