Dear OSS Families, Hello! Can you believe we are entering the last week of school!? What a year, especially for myself as I have had the pleasure each week of discovering the different activities and celebrations our amazing school offers. From Back to School Night, to Oceans Week and to our Talent Show last night – it has been so memorable. As you reflect on this year, what stands out? Share your thoughts with me as I would love to share this in my final newsletter next week! Reflections from my Office: Last night, dozens of kids got on stage to sing, dance (even on stilts!), play music, tell jokes or simply dazzle a packed house of parents and guests for the 2019 Ocean Shore Talent Show. It was my second viewing of the show, as the kids performed for the student audience earlier in the week. It was simply spectacular! Ripe with precious moments I will long remember, the Talent Show gave our kids opportunities to shine in their own way. I loved every minute! Events like last night are reminders that each child has a special gift to share, and sometimes the confines of a classroom cannot provide this glimpse. In true Ocean Shore fashion, the Talent Show reflected“kid footprint” as opposed to an adult footprint. I love this about our school. Each act felt personal and genuine to each child. In past years, I have attended many other talent shows at different schools. It had a different feeling because the kids did not create their acts. I was always surprised to meet the “professional choreographers” behind stage directing the students. I felt that this robbed the kids of having a meaningful experience where they could demonstrate their individuality and feel the roar of the audience encouraging them as they demonstrated their personal best. Our talent show was created by kids, performed by kids and celebrated by kids. This is the Ocean Shore way! Even the tech crew (led by our middle school tech students!) who opened the curtains and controlled the sound and lightening! Thanks to the guidance and countless hours of her time, our Talent Show PTO leader, Cristin Fong, led our kids to put on one amazing show! It stood out to me how Cristin wanted each performer to express themselves as individuals, and she encouraged each child to do their very best as if they were her own kids. We were also grateful for the hours of support from our school volunteers who guided our tech crew, David Bradley and Chris Romero. Bravo everyone! A moment I won’t forget occurred at our student performance. This year, we have been fortunate to welcome new students. Instead of using verbal language skills, one of our new 3rd grade students expresses herself beautifully with singing and dance. She wowed the audience when she took to the stage and performed a song and dance solo. Smiling from ear to ear, she entertained us with confidence, poise and enthusiasm. The students roared with applause and clapped along. I know I was not alone when my eyes were watery with tears, so proud of her and our student body. This is what the talent show is all about. Raw and tender moments that cannot be fabricated create lasting memories for our kids. Opportunities for kids to express themselves in ways their classmates might have never seen without a stage to perform. It was incredible! Take a look at some scenes from the show! HAVE YOU HEARD THIS PODCAST YET!? Check out our Student Podcast! Episode #4 is Dedicated to our beloved custodian, Ron!
Here the voices of our own students! New hosts this week, Annie and Liam, share their insights with you. Did you like the Podcast!? Have any old iPhones or iPads? WE WOULD LOVE OLD PHONES OR IPADS to help us keep this elective class going for our school!! Please click here for specifics about our newest elective: We would greatly appreciate any iPhone IOS 11.1 (5,6,7,,8,9,X) or iPad Generations 5 and above or iPad Mini 2 and above, iPad Air or iPad Pro! From the Front Office: END OF THE YEAR PICNIC DETAILS! If you have not already informed the office of your plans to attend the picnic, please contact the office immediately so that your child can participate in this fun school-wide field trip to the park. OSS PICNIC DOLPHIN DEALS! Only a few more days left to pre-order your meal deals for the picnic at Frontierland. Don't miss out! Reserve your lunch deals now! On-line orders link: Another way to order your meal deals before the day of the picnic: You can leave cash or check with your order form in the ESCOBEDO family folder until June 5. Forms are located in the parent hallway. Note: cash or check only at day of picnic. LOST AND FOUND ITEMS WILL BE DONATED TO CHARITY! Our Lost and Found is overflowing. Be sure to stop by before the last day of school. All unclaimed items will be donated to charity over the summer. NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR IMMUNIZATIONS! Please CLICK HERE for a reference to understand the immunization requirements for your child to start school in the fall. INCOMING 7th GRADE FAMILIES – please be sure to verify the updates posted on HERE FROM THE PTO CORNER: LICE INFORMATION: At our last PTO meeting, our teacher Jennifer shared an informative presentation on lice with helpful resources for parents. Click on the presentation posted below here for more information: FROM THE PEF CORNER: The Pacifica Education Foundation (PEF) is taking education to new heights. They completely fund educational programs which exceed California’s core school standards; which our district budget cannot accommodate. Simply, PEF funds, advances, and protects a higher quality education for OUR students. Learn more at PEF SPONSORED PROGRAMS: - Elementary School Music Program - Middle School Band Program (Music Matters in Pacifica - MMIP) - Middle School Computer Science Program - Elementary School Slam Poetry Program (SPARC - Stage Performance + Rhythmic Culture - Poetry) - Professional Science Curriculum Development & Training For Teachers (Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)) Learn more at GIVE BACK! PEF gives our children an enriched educational experience. Give back to PEF and don’t forget your employer-sponsored donation matching too! Donate at UPCOMING PEF EVENTS: - DONATION WEEK: Mark Your Calendars - April 29th - May 3rd! Support our school by volunteering with PEF during the “School Competition” day, on May 2nd. - NEW MEMBERSHIP PLANS: Membership provides you tickets and/or discounted access to fun annual family events, supporter decals, and much, much more: - LISTEN & LEARN: PEF Ambassadors will be onsite at PTO events. HOW CAN I HELP? - Volunteers needed, sign up here: - Like & Follow PEF on Facebook: - Reach Out to our PEF Ambassadors, below:
NEXT WEEK HAPPENINGS! NOTE: Tuesday - Friday are MINIMUM DAYS! Saturday, June 1st: 8th Grade Dinner Dance! 6-9 pm Ocean Shore MPR Sunday, June 2nd 10 am End of School Year Garden Day: This Sunday, June 2 from 10:00 to 1:00 we will hold our last garden cleanup for the school year, and put together a summer watering stewards sign-up. Please Join Me in the Garden! From: Virginia 4/5 grades Monday, June 3rd 2019: OSS Spring Harvest Festival! Brought to you by the Environmental Action Team, students will be invited to harvest and prepare salads grown from our very own student garden! Garden will be open for students at lunch recess! Students will enjoy sitting at our newly (handmade) table and benches in the Peace Garden - created by OSS parents and volunteers! Tuesday, June 4th: : 11 am SAFETY DRILL . Students will be participating in a "Shelter In Place" safety drill and a partial "Evacuation" Drill from our Big 5 Safety Protocol. (Please note: students will NOT be leaving campus for the evacuation). Tuesday, June 4 at 7pm in the MPR: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade Music Concert! Thursday, June 6th: 8th Grade Graduation 5 pm Aragon High School Theater Congratulations to our 8th Grade Graduates! Friday, June 7th: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! 9 am End of the Year Picnic at Frontier Land Park! Weekly Flyers: Dear OSS Families, Hello! I know many of you are on your way to KOA for a camping trip! I wish you a wonderful trip and look forward to hearing about it on Tuesday! Thank you for coming to Open House last night. What a great turnout! I look forward to seeing you next week for our Talent Show! Reflections from my Office: Thursday was another exciting week at Ocean Shore. We concluded Oceans 411 and opened our doors for Open House. As I explained to the students on Thursday, this event is a true celebration of collaborative learning – between teachers, students, parents and volunteers. Under the guidance from our teacher Sheila, a small and dedicated army of teachers and volunteers organized academic activities across the curriculum to give students real-world, hands-on experiences in lieu of just reading facts out of a book. Older students would lead stations for younger students to learn about marine science that specifically related to our theme – coral reefs. This tradition has been happening at Ocean Shore for many years. It is easy to see why it continues to thrive and be one of the treasured traditions of Ocean Shore. As I have been saying all year, this event captures the magic of our little school. We are one community working together with a single vision; providing the best education for our kids. Oceans 411 demonstrated this collaborative effort! From the visiting scientists, teaching parents running the exhibits, the volunteer parents helping set-up and coordinate the beach days, our teachers helping prepare the students, and the 7th and 8th grade students who helped created robust lessons to teach our kids! As I walked around the campus each day, I felt such pride for our school! A really special part of the event is the leadership role our 7th and 8th graders. They were awesome! The purpose of Oceans 411 is to get kids excited, intrigued and enthused about our own backyard – the ocean. No better way to achieve this than to have kids ignite kids. The 7th and 8th graders led the younger children throughout the past few weeks by either teaching them or creating an educational website. It was pretty incredible to watch. I talked with a few 7th and 8th graders about the experience. Here is what they said: When I asked how they liked teaching the other kids: “It was so fun to see them get so excited! I loved being a teacher.” “It was hard, Julie. They are so little so they get real squirmy. I don’t know how the teachers do that everyday.” “”The best part was when they didn’t understand what we were doing. Then, like all of a sudden, they get it! That was exciting for me.” “They are so cute! But they didn’t know some of the bigger words we used. So, we had to explain what the words meant.” HAVE YOU HEARD THIS PODCAST YET!? Check out our Student Podcast! Here the voices of our own students! New hosts this week, Annie and Liam, share their insights with you. Did you like the Podcast!? Have any old iPhones or iPads? WE WOULD LOVE OLD PHONES OR IPADS to help us keep this elective class going for our school!! Please click here for specifics about our newest elective: We would greatly appreciate any iPhone IOS 11.1 (5,6,7,,8,9,X) or iPad Generations 5 and above or iPad Mini 2 and above, iPad Air or iPad Pro! Scenes from the Week! It was a busy week at OSS! Take a look! From the Front Office:
DUE TUESDAY 5/28 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL PICNIC PERMISSION SLIP: Please complete this ONLINE permission slip for our annual field trip to Frontier Land Park. Please remember that you should first report to school. CLICK BELOW to complete the permission slip. NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR IMMUNIZATIONS! Please make sure your child is up to date with immunizations. Your child will not be allowed to attend school next year without these complete. Please let us know if we can answer any questions related to immunizations. FROM THE PTO CORNER: Pre-sale lunch meals for picnic at Frontierland June 7. OSS PICNIC DOLPHIN DEALS! Pre-order your meal deals so you won’t miss out. Note: cash or check only at day of picnic. Reserve your lunch deals now! On-line orders link: Another way to order your lunch meals before the day of the picnic; You can leave cash or check with your order form in Escobedo family folder until June 5. Forms are located in the parent hallway. LICE INFORMATION: At our last PTO meeting, our teacher Jennifer shared an informative presentation on lice with helpful resources for parents. Click on the presentation posted below here for more information: FROM THE PEF CORNER: The Pacifica Education Foundation (PEF) is taking education to new heights. They completely fund educational programs which exceed California’s core school standards; which our district budget cannot accommodate. Simply, PEF funds, advances, and protects a higher quality education for OUR students. Learn more at PEF SPONSORED PROGRAMS: - Elementary School Music Program - Middle School Band Program (Music Matters in Pacifica - MMIP) - Middle School Computer Science Program - Elementary School Slam Poetry Program (SPARC - Stage Performance + Rhythmic Culture - Poetry) - Professional Science Curriculum Development & Training For Teachers (Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)) Learn more at GIVE BACK! PEF gives our children an enriched educational experience. Give back to PEF and don’t forget your employer-sponsored donation matching too! Donate at UPCOMING PEF EVENTS: - DONATION WEEK: Mark Your Calendars - April 29th - May 3rd! Support our school by volunteering with PEF during the “School Competition” day, on May 2nd. - NEW MEMBERSHIP PLANS: Membership provides you tickets and/or discounted access to fun annual family events, supporter decals, and much, much more: - LISTEN & LEARN: PEF Ambassadors will be onsite at PTO events. HOW CAN I HELP? - Volunteers needed, sign up here: - Like & Follow PEF on Facebook: - Reach Out to our PEF Ambassadors, below:
UPCOMING EVENTS! Monday 5/27: NO SCHOOL in observation of Memorial’s Day! Tuesday 5/28: POD Day Celebrating our 8th Graders! 10:30 – 11:30 am Wednesday 5/29: Talent Show Performance for Students! (PLEASE NOTE! This performance is intended only for a student audience as there will NOT BE SEATING FOR EXTRA ADULTS OTHER THAN STAFF due to space limitations.) Thursday, May 30th Talent Show Performance for Parents! 6pm-8pm Call Time: 5:00pm Contact Talent Show directors Cristin Fong, Ana Brenner & Sara Kuenstler at [email protected] for any questions! Saturday, June 1st: 8th Grade Dinner Dance! 5-9 pm Ocean Shore MPR Sunday, June 2nd 10 am Garden Clean Up Day! Bring the family for fun outdoors and help maintain our beautiful garden! Tuesday, June 4 at 7pm in the MPR: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade Music Concert! Weekly Flyers: Dear OSS Families, Hello! What a big week at Ocean Shore. The chicks in our kindergarten rooms hatched and Oceans 411 is underway! I hope to see you all at Open House on Thursday 5/23 at 6 pm for a chance to see the projects and work on display! Reflections from my Office: It is quite extraordinary to take in all of the activities, events and activities that go along with this momentous week. I have reveled in walking from room to room to watch the students collaborate and work together. I chatted with some of our 7th and 8th graders about how the experience has been for them to lead the younger students in lessons, games and ocean activities. They smiled and said, “It is hard work to be a teacher! I don’t know how they do it?” Another 8th grader explained to me that the “little kids actually do listen to you as long as you are nice to them.” They also explained that the kids are very “candy-motivated”. I laughed and asked the 7th and 8th graders, “Aren’t you motivated in the same way?” They agreed. Some 2nd graders explained to me what they have enjoyed most about Oceans 411. They said they love; the theme days, decorating the halls, creating stuff, being in different stations, and working with big buddies. My favorite part has been seeing the synergy of collaboration. From parent volunteers to teachers to kids, everyone is working together towards a common goal. Kids are moving, talking, and participating in hands-on experiential learning opportunities. It is easy to see why Oceans Week is a signature program of Ocean Shore. It represents the very best of our school! I love it! Check out our Student Podcast! As mentioned last week, we have a few students creating a podcast for their elective class. Take a listen for the second episode posted below! Staff Makin’ Waves: Much of Oceans 411 relies on the planning and coordination of many of our teacher leaders. Several folks have been instrumental this year in coordinating the event, as well as fulfilling their regular teaching responsibilities! Thank you to Sheila, Michelle, Jason and Beccy for their extra efforts to coordinate assemblies, schedules, beach activities and student schedules! Scenes from the Week! It was a busy week at OSS! Take a look! From the Front Office: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL PICNIC PERMISSION SLIP: Please complete this ONLINE permission slip for our annual field trip to Frontier Land Park. Please remember that you should first report to school. CLICK HERE to complete the permission slip. NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR IMMUNIZATIONS! Please CLICK HERE for a reference to understand the immunization requirements for your child to start school in the fall. INCOMING 7th GRADE FAMILIES – please be sure to verify the updates posted on HERE I Know Joe, Corp Surf Camp Pacifica Scholarships! Click HERE for applications for this special opportunity led by our own OSS teacher, Fran, for 5th – 8th graders. A Message From An 8th Grader: Dear Parents, My name is Jasmin Saucedo, and Im in 8th grade, going into 9th. For my last year here at Ocean Shore, I would like to make an impact by doing a food drive to donate to a shelter in San Francisco. The shelter that I picked is one of the largest shelters down in San Francisco, called Episcopal Community Services (ECS). I would like to ask the Ocean Shore community to help me achieve my goal by donating any unused food, for example, canned food, boxed food, and overall any type of shelved food. I'll have banners and cardboard boxes near the front office where you can put in your donations. If you can participate by donating any shelved food we would greatly appreciate it. Sincerely, Jasmin Saucedo FROM THE PTO CORNER: Open House is on Thursday, May 23rd at 6:00pm. Dinner will be available for purchase starting at 5:00pm. Location at the popcorn window. Pizza proceeds to 7th grade class. Above & Beyond catering offering BBQ chicken and Vegetarian Option ~ Grilled Tofu & Veggie Skewer Giving Week... FILL THE OSS REEF! Your spare change helps us fill our reef. The OSS PTO Board is making a final fundraising push to help meet our goal. A fun way to stay in theme with Oceans 411 a FILL THE REEF wall has been created. Located across from the Art Gallery Wall in the main hall. Give your donation to your teacher or a PTO board member and your student will be given a sea creature to fill the reef! Be sure to add your name and teachers name to the sea creature so we can award popsicle parties for those classes helping to fill the reef! Thank you for your continued support. Go Dolphins!! Get your SPIRIT WEAR orders in by MAY 19th This is the last order of the school year! Orders will be delivered the week of June 3rd. Order online at (click on the fundraising link) LICE INFORMATION: At our last PTO meeting, our teacher Jennifer shared an informative presentation on lice with helpful resources for parents. Click on the presentation posted below here for more information: FROM THE PEF CORNER: The Pacifica Education Foundation (PEF) is taking education to new heights. They completely fund educational programs which exceed California’s core school standards; which our district budget cannot accommodate. Simply, PEF funds, advances, and protects a higher quality education for OUR students. Learn more at PEF SPONSORED PROGRAMS: - Elementary School Music Program - Middle School Band Program (Music Matters in Pacifica - MMIP) - Middle School Computer Science Program - Elementary School Slam Poetry Program (SPARC - Stage Performance + Rhythmic Culture - Poetry) - Professional Science Curriculum Development & Training For Teachers (Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)) Learn more at GIVE BACK! PEF gives our children an enriched educational experience. Give back to PEF and don’t forget your employer-sponsored donation matching too! Donate at UPCOMING PEF EVENTS: - DONATION WEEK: Mark Your Calendars - April 29th - May 3rd! Support our school by volunteering with PEF during the “School Competition” day, on May 2nd. - NEW MEMBERSHIP PLANS: Membership provides you tickets and/or discounted access to fun annual family events, supporter decals, and much, much more: - LISTEN & LEARN: PEF Ambassadors will be onsite at PTO events. HOW CAN I HELP? - Volunteers needed, sign up here: - Like & Follow PEF on Facebook: - Reach Out to our PEF Ambassadors, below:
NEXT WEEK HAPPENINGS! Monday (5/20): Live Scan service at OSS for parents! Click HERE for sign-ups! Thursday (5/23) 6 pm Ocean Shore Open House! Don’t miss this fun night open to all! Come see the completion of the projects and celebrate the conclusion of Oceans 411! Friday (5/24): Minimum Day!!! UPCOMING EVENTS! Monday 5/27: NO SCHOOL in observation of Memorial’s Day! THE TALENT SHOW IS COMING! When: Wednesday, May 29th 9am-11am & Thursday, May 30th 6pm-8pm (2 performances) Call Times: 8:30am & 5:00pm Contact Talent Show directors Cristin Fong, Ana Brenner & Sara Kuenstler at [email protected] for any questions! Sunday, June 2nd 10 am Garden Clean Up Day! Bring the family for fun outdoors and help maintain our beautiful garden! Tuesday, June 4 at 7pm in the MPR: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade Music Concert! Weekly Flyers: Dear OSS Families, What a fun week at Ocean Shore! To all of our mothers, I hope you feel the appreciation and adoration that you deserve! Your grace, care and love for our kids is an integral and invaluable part of what we do at school. It is an honor to be your partner in your child’s upbringing in these precious early years! Motherhood is a beautiful thing to celebrate – this weekend and every day in the year! We had a great turnout last night for our PTO meeting. Thank you to all who came to support and recognize our meeting, our graduating 8th grade families, and engage in discussions with our teachers about how to support learning at home and prepare them for next school year. Here is a copy of the presentation from last night. Also, join me is recognizing our 8th grade families as they are about to send their student off to high school. Our Ocean Shore family has appreciated their service, guidance and constant support of our school over the years. These families - along with the others not pictured - will be very missed and always welcomed to return to their Ocean Shore home! This week was also special as it was a time to appreciate our teachers. On behalf of all of our staff, I want to thank you for the lovely meals provided this week. Every detail was accounted for and our staff was delighted to have such feast each day. Thank you for the love you put into the food and meal preparations! We sure feel appreciated! Reflections from my Office: It has been pretty awesome to see our school hallways transformed this week into a beautiful underwater display. I am excited to see how our school’s collective creativity is being expressed on the walls of our school! I look forward to next week when we kick off Oceans 411! I look forward to reflecting on this next week with you! I asked a few students their thoughts on the transformation of the hallways. Here were some of their thoughts. “What part of Oceans Week are you excited about?” “My birthday is during Ocean’s Week!” “The hallways!” “All the theme days are fun. Yea, all the theme days!” “We get to go to all the different assemblies” “I like how the big kids come in to talk to us.” “Going to the beach!” Speaking of student voices, I want to share with you a special opportunity for our 7th and 8th graders. Our 2nd grade teacher, Juli, had brilliant idea to teach some of our older students how to create podcasts – from start to end. Next year, we plan to offer this as an elective class for our 7th and 8th graders. This week, Juli advised a few 8th graders (Dalia and Keaton) on the process. In one week, they created the very first episode of “Dolphinently Talks!” where you hear from our own Ocean Shore students. It is very “Ocean Shore”! I plan to post the podcast each week here for your reference: Staff Makin’ Waves: It amazes me how many ways our teachers give hours of their time – long after the kids go home. Last night was no exception. I was so grateful for the contributions from our teachers who graciously offered to lead our breakout sessions because they value the connections between home and school. Thank you Patty, Virginia, Jonathan, Sean, Jennifer, Natalie, Sarah, Jessica, Juli and Beccy for leading great sessions last night! Scenes from the Week! It was a busy week at OSS! Take a look! From the Front Office:
Please Complete A Survey You Received From Panaroma from our District Office: Your voice and input are needed as we plan our goals for next year. On April 23rd, you should have received an email (from Panorma) with a unique direct link to a survey for each parent guardian. Currently, only 14% of our families have reported from our school and we hope to have all of your voices heard! The window for the survey closes next week! LAST DAY OF SCHOOL PICNIC PERMISSION SLIP: Please complete this ONLINE permission slip for our annual field trip to Frontier Land Park. Please remember that you should first report to school. CLICK HERE to complete the permission slip. HELP AND MATERIALS WANTED FOR OCEANS 411! We are looking for a large number of egg cartons, pipe cleaners, and paper straws for the Maker Space during Oceans 411! Please leave in the office for teacher Natalie! NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR IMMUNIZATIONS! Please CLICK HERE for a reference to understand the immunization requirements for your child to start school in the fall. INCOMING 7th GRADE FAMILIES – please be sure to verify the updates posted on HERE FROM THE PEF CORNER: The Pacifica Education Foundation (PEF) is taking education to new heights. They completely fund educational programs which exceed California’s core school standards; which our district budget cannot accommodate. Simply, PEF funds, advances, and protects a higher quality education for OUR students. Learn more at PEF SPONSORED PROGRAMS: - Elementary School Music Program - Middle School Band Program (Music Matters in Pacifica - MMIP) - Middle School Computer Science Program - Elementary School Slam Poetry Program (SPARC - Stage Performance + Rhythmic Culture - Poetry) - Professional Science Curriculum Development & Training For Teachers (Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)) Learn more at GIVE BACK! PEF gives our children an enriched educational experience. Give back to PEF and don’t forget your employer-sponsored donation matching too! Donate at UPCOMING PEF EVENTS: - DONATION WEEK: Mark Your Calendars - April 29th - May 3rd! Support our school by volunteering with PEF during the “School Competition” day, on May 2nd. - NEW MEMBERSHIP PLANS: Membership provides you tickets and/or discounted access to fun annual family events, supporter decals, and much, much more: - LISTEN & LEARN: PEF Ambassadors will be onsite at PTO events. HOW CAN I HELP? - Volunteers needed, sign up here: - Like & Follow PEF on Facebook: - Reach Out to our PEF Ambassadors, below:
TONIGHT 5/10: Astro Bowling at Sea Bowl! 7:00pm Check in begins at 6:30. Grab your family and friends! If you haven’t reserved your lanes with submitting a form there’s still time! 6 bowlers per lane. $25 each bowler. Email your bowlers names and grade to [email protected] Happy FUNdraising! Monday 5/13: LIVE SCAN Available at OSS. Sign up HERE UPCOMING EVENTS! 5/23 6 pm Ocean Shore Open House! Don’t miss this fun night open to all! Come see the completion of the projects and celebrate the conclusion of Oceans 411! THE TALENT SHOW IS COMING! When: Wednesday, May 29th 9am-11am & Thursday, May 30th 6pm-8pm (2 performances) Call Times: 8:30am & 5:00pm Contact Talent Show directors Cristin Fong, Ana Brenner & Sara Kuenstler at [email protected] for any questions! June 2nd 10 am Garden Clean Up Day! Bring the family for fun outdoors and help maintain our beautiful garden! June 6th: 8th Grade Graduation June 7th: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Picnic at Frontier Land Park! Weekly Flyers: Dear OSS Families, Hello! May is upon us. What a fun and busy time of year! It was great to see so many parents around campus this week, and I know it will continue in our final weeks as each week brings a new fun celebration or event! Important Reminder About Next Week! We are gathering on May 9th at 6:30 pm in the MPR for our final mandatory PTO meeting of the year. Back by popular demand, we will again host several breakout sessions for parents. Our teacher leaders who will facilitate discussions and activities relevant to parents as we head into the summer months. I hope to see you there! May 9th at 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm Reflections from my Office: Volunteerism has been on my mind a lot lately. I’ve been reflecting on the value of this virtue on our Ocean Shore community. While attending the Eco Fest last Saturday, I was struck by the impact of the entire Pacifica community coming together in effort to keep our local beaches clean. The turnout was impressive! This collective effort trickles into our schools. While the larger Pacifica community has a storied history rich with the spirit of volunteerism, our sweet Ocean Shore School echoes the same. Ocean Shore is the heart of volunteerism in Pacifica. In partnerships with our staff, volunteers are what make the “Ocean Shore world” go around. Not one of our programs could fly without the dedication of volunteers from our community and families. As a brand new 3rd grade teacher, I remember calling my mom with new insight. I told her that I finally got it – I know knew why she was by Girl Scout leader, helped my teachers in the classroom, and attended every parent teacher conference. From the teacher lens, I was able to see how these volunteers serve an invaluable role to schools. There was no way I could accomplish what I wanted to do for my students on my own. Volunteers matter mightily in how they impact every child’s education. From the PTO, to grandparents helping in the classroom, to PEF programs and our outside volunteers who believe in the Ocean Shore experience and serve their own time – long after their kids have left the school or even if they don’t have kids who ever attended OSS. Volunteerism is the golden thread that binds our school together. Thankful, are we. Let’s keep this going year to year! Speaking of volunteers, tonight we honor our Elna Flynn Award recipients – Barbara Bruxvoort and Julie Stock! Join me in congratulating them on this important distinction. New volunteer partners are the local chapter of the Boys and Girls Club! Every Friday at lunch, they are facilitating activities and games for our students. Another great example of how partnerships in our community grow strong schools. Here is look at them from last week! Staff Makin’ Waves: We are so fortunate to have a volunteer, Chris Romero, help after hours to provide essential support to our technology! As a former OSS parent, he has remained to help in many different capacities. We are so grateful for this service! One of the newest members of our school assistant team is Ayesha Siddiq. She has joined our team with enthusiasm and positivity. Today our staff arrived to find a cupcake bar at snack time from a mystery member of their team. (I found out it was Ayesha!) Here is a look at how she helps make OSS a fun place to work! Scenes from the Week! It was a busy week at OSS! Take a look!
From the Front Office: What School Does Your Family Plan to Attend Next Year? DUE NEXT WEEK 5/10! At this time, plans for the next school year need to be made regarding enrollment. For us to have a better idea of your intentions, please complete this online form by May 3rd, 2019. Please CLICK HERE to complete the survey. If you have more than one child at Ocean Shore School, please complete one form per child. Parent Input for Class Assignments for the 2019-20 School Year: If you wish to give our school team your input regarding your child’s class assignment for next year, please find the attached form HERE to share your insight regarding what kind of classroom environment your child would thrive in for the upcoming school year. This form will direct you on the process of how you can share your feedback. Questions About Statewide Testing? Click HERE for more information about testing! Find helpful information for parents to understand the testing underway for our 3rd – 8th graders. HELP AND MATERIALS WANTED FOR OCEANS 411! We are looking for a large number of egg cartons, pipe cleaners, and paper straws for the Maker Space during Oceans 411! Please leave in the office for teacher Natalie! HALLWAY DECORATING for Oceans 411 Starts Tomorrow 5/4! Following the beach training (10 am science lab!), we will begin decorating the hallways for Oceans 411! Help on Sunday is also welcome. Come help the school transform and earn valuable volunteer hours! Contact teacher Sheila with any questions! We Need a Beach Coordinator for Oceans 411! We are actively recruiting for an assistant beach coordinator. We really would like to find someone who could commit for consecutive years but any kind of help is welcome. The beach coordinator organizes equipment and rotations at the beach. You get to sit at the beach all morning and earn hours! Contact Beccy [email protected] if you are interested. FROM THE PEF CORNER The Pacifica Education Foundation (PEF) is taking education to new heights. They completely fund educational programs which exceed California’s core school standards; which our district budget cannot accommodate. Simply, PEF funds, advances, and protects a higher quality education for OUR students. Learn more at PEF SPONSORED PROGRAMS: - Elementary School Music Program - Middle School Band Program (Music Matters in Pacifica - MMIP) - Middle School Computer Science Program - Elementary School Slam Poetry Program (SPARC - Stage Performance + Rhythmic Culture - Poetry) - Professional Science Curriculum Development & Training For Teachers (Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)) Learn more at GIVE BACK! PEF gives our children an enriched educational experience. Give back to PEF and don’t forget your employer-sponsored donation matching too! Donate at UPCOMING PEF EVENTS: - DONATION WEEK: Mark Your Calendars - April 29th - May 3rd! Support our school by volunteering with PEF during the “School Competition” day, on May 2nd. - NEW MEMBERSHIP PLANS: Membership provides you tickets and/or discounted access to fun annual family events, supporter decals, and much, much more: - LISTEN & LEARN: PEF Ambassadors will be onsite at PTO events. HOW CAN I HELP? - Volunteers needed, sign up here: - Like & Follow PEF on Facebook: - Reach Out to our PEF Ambassadors, below:
FROM THE PTO CORNER: Sign up sheets can be found on OSSPTO FUNdraising. Ombuds shared it in their weekly emails or find a hard copy on the PTO bulletin board in the parent wing. Submit forms with check or cash to the Fundraising folder. PTO Volunteer Jobs! It’s that time of year again. Time to consider how you want to participate in your Ocean Shore community next year. The signups for next year’s volunteer jobs are posted in the kindergarten hallway waiting for your consideration. Check out the elected and appointed positions. There are jobs that help keep our school environment neat and efficient – art room monitor, kitchen monitor, prop master and there are jobs that bring us together – social event coordinator, new parent coordinator, junior Olympics coach. And there are PTO executive board positions – secretary, vice president, parent representative, treasurer, and president. There are many ways to help Ocean Shore posted on the wall waiting for your name. If you have the time to help out the school, we would love to have your help. Please sign your name on the candidate’s line of a job in which you are interested by May 7th. If it is a position that is elected, we will begin voting at the PTO General Meeting, May 9th. If it is appointed, the PTO Board will be voting to choose and approve the candidates at the PTO Executive Board Meeting – June 11. Thank you for your interest in being a part of this amazing and active community! Silent Auction Bid Winners! Please stop by the office to pick up your auction items and submit your payment. If you have questions to email Jenny Abellana at [email protected] NEXT WEEK HAPPENINGS! 3/4: BEACH DAY TRAINING for ALL Beach Day Workers for Oceans 411! 10 – 11 am at Ocean Shore Science Lab 3/6: 7 pm Band Concert for Beginning Band (6th Grade) 3/7: 9 am School Tour for All New Families 3/9: 6:30 - 9:00 pm General PTO Meeting 3/10: OSS MINIMUM DAY! 3/10: Family Bowling Night! UPCOMING EVENTS! THE TALENT SHOW IS COMING! When: Wednesday, May 29th 9am-11am & Thursday, May 30th 6pm-8pm (2 performances) Call Times: 8:30am & 5:00pm Contact Talent Show directors Cristin Fong, Ana Brenner & Sara Kuenstler at [email protected] for any questions! Weekly Flyers: |
Jeanne BellingerPrincipal of Ocean Shore. Check back here for weekly updates and messages from the principal. Archives
June 2022
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Ocean Shore School
411 Oceana Blvd Pacifica, CA 94044 Main office: 650-738-6650 |
For enrollment questions, please contact our front office. Our PTO does not have control over cumulative records.
School secretary - Patricia Buddington |